The cups-base port has been marked as BROKEN if built against Avahi since 
version 1.4. (The Makefile even helpfully points the user to which states that the problem exists with CUPS 
version 1.4 and that a fix is in the making.) Since version 1.6, however, there 
exists native Avahi support in CUPS and there is really no point in marking the 
port broken and including all kinds of compatibility headers that are no longer 
of any use whatsoever. Building CUPS 1.7 directly against Avahi works well and 
without any need for the avahi-compat-libdns_sd headers. I tested the setup on 
my system and came up with the following patch that incidentally also checks 
whether one or the other mDNS backend was selected and activates the pkg-plist 
magic accordingly. (Note how the dependency on avahi-libdns has been replaced 
with a dependency on avahi-app, as the configure script checks for the presence 
of, installed by net/avahi-app.)


Attachment: patch-cups_172_avahi
Description: Binary data

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