/usr/ports is a working copy of head@r362876; during my daily portmaster
run to update all installed ports on my laptop, I see that libevent1 is
now replaced by libevent2.

Apparently www/firefox had been linked against libevent, so portmaster
tries to update www/firefox (after having updated several other ports).

That process terminates rather abrutly, however:

===>>> All >> firefox-30.0_1,1 (12/15)
0;portmaster: All >> firefox-30.0_1,1 (12/15)^G
===>  Cleaning for firefox-30.0_2,1
===>  firefox-30.0_2,1 has known vulnerabilities:
firefox-30.0_2,1 is vulnerable:
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities
CVE: CVE-2014-1561
CVE: CVE-2014-1560
CVE: CVE-2014-1559
CVE: CVE-2014-1558
CVE: CVE-2014-1557
CVE: CVE-2014-1556
CVE: CVE-2014-1555
CVE: CVE-2014-1552
CVE: CVE-2014-1551
CVE: CVE-2014-1550
CVE: CVE-2014-1549
CVE: CVE-2014-1548
CVE: CVE-2014-1547
CVE: CVE-2014-1544
WWW: http://portaudit.FreeBSD.org/978b0f76-122d-11e4-afe3-bc5ff4fb5e7b.html

1 problem(s) in the installed packages found.
=> Please update your ports tree and try again.
=> Note: Vulnerable ports are marked as such even if there is no update 
=> If you wish to ignore this vulnerability rebuild with 'make 
*** [check-vulnerable] Error code 1

Stop in /common/ports/www/firefox.
*** [build] Error code 1

Stop in /common/ports/www/firefox.

===>>> make build failed for www/firefox
===>>> Aborting update

As a reality check, I did take a quick look at
<http://docs.freebsd.org/mail/current/svn-ports-head.html> to see
if, perchance, there were commits to www/firefox to address those
reported vulnerabilities since r362876, but the most recent commit
I see there now is r362887 -- and none of the commits since r362876
is about/for www/firefox (or anything related, AFAICT).

So I'm left wondering how this is actually useful: I'm left with a copy
of firefox installed (more or less) that has known vulnerabilities and
is broken (since it's still linked against a library that no longer
exists).  At least I was able to use a copy of firefox on a machine I
haven't started to upgrade yet (so I could refer to the cited Web

Since I'm disinclined to globally disable all vulnerability checking,
I'm proceeding with updates to the ports that portmaster hadn't yet got
to first, before (temporarily) disabling the checks so I can have a
working graphical Web browser with which I'm familiar again.

Which reminds me: the cited directive re. the libevent change (in
UPDATING): "pkg delete libevent" also deleted sysutils/tmux, so the
subsequent "portmaster -ad" had no clue that tmux was supposed to be
rebuilt.  I was able to re-install it manually, but I mention this in
case it helps someone else.

(Ugh.  It appears that the "portmaster -aF" that I ran earlier this
morning didn't actually fetch the firefox-30.0.source.tar.bz2... wait
up; that should have been there already.  Making me wait while that's
re-fetched is ... not good: I'm trying to get this laptop updated before
I go in to work this morning....  OK; I found a local copy on another

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
Taliban: Evil cowards with guns afraid of truth from a 14-year old girl.

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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