On 09/14/14 20:09, Chad J. Milios wrote:
On 09/14/14 16:34, Matt Reimer wrote:
I'd like to switch from building everything from source using ports to
using packages as much as possible. This requires identifying which ports I'm currently building use the same port knobs as the binary packages that FreeBSD builds. Is there an easy way of showing how my port configs differ
from the defaults that are used to build binary packages?

Thanks in advance.


this script below will do exactly that from the port building machine if you built them all in one place. (it gathers from /var/db/ports/*/options but does not mine the data from /var/db/pkg/local.sqlite.) if you'd like to extract options out of your installed binary pkg ng's or pkg_og's or dir of .txz's or .tbz's laying around somewhere and compare those to the current ports tree, let me know. it's slightly more difficult but not terrible.

in case of mail munging and for your convenience this script is posted to https://cargobay.net/LpYDhX3U with SHA256 (LpYDhX3U) = 4ef3dae564d861fd32efad267bb3e360a498d4688bb86fca7e2a0a195e58a34f

cd /usr/ports
for p in /var/db/ports/*; do
    if cd $c/$d; then
        for z in a b; do
            eval make \$_$z showconfig 2>$_ > /tmp/$$.$z
        if ! diff /tmp/$$.[ab] >$_; then
            echo $c/$d
            diff /tmp/$$.[ab] | grep "^>" | cut -c 2-
        cd ../..
rm /tmp/$$.[ab]

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Ahh!!!  Thank you.

Just to get this on record and to be able to search and find it - could you post the script that does the check against the pkgng database?

If you are downloading the packages from the 'standard' FreeBSD package repository it would be useful to be able to see what options they built the packages with.
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