On 12/18/14 13:10, Jan Beich wrote:

Do you use default icon theme? If so it needs to be manually installed.
The issue is common for any gtk30 app.


B) Toggles in menus won't show up: as an example to show what I mean,
I can hit Ctrl-M to enable "Stop After This Song" and the same can be
done from "Playback" menu; however, when looking in that menu, there
is no tick near this option, so there is no way to know if it is
enabled or not.

A consequence of the above issue. Don't confuse with similar issue that
often happens with apps not supporting :checked since gtk-3.14.

Both issues were solved by installing adwaita-icon-theme; I agree that should be a dependency (of audacious at least, if not of gtk3).

I'm still trying to solve the third issue.

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