
I've always used NMap, but now I've got several 10.1 boxes where it doesn't work.

# nmap -sP -PI

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-07-13 11:50 CEST
route_dst_generic: Failed to obtain system routes: getsysroutes_dnet: 
sysroutes_dnet_find_interfaces() failed

I tried searching for this, but most results are in Russian and I cannot read them. I only found one in English and it says it's PF's fault, but I don't have PF enabled.

I tried playing with -e option (e.g. "nmap -sP -PI -e rl0"), but what I get is:

I cannot figure out what source address to use for device rl0, does it even 

Of course rl0 exists.

Any hint?

 bye & Thanks
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