
FreeBSD supports IPv6 since 15 years and while IPv4 addresses running low, its quite annoying how often there is no IPv6 support for existing sites.

I'm hit at a regularly basis by that lack of support and it happens to affect a greater number of the ports including some popular programs.

For example rubygems.org misses IPv6 support, rendering more than 1.000 ports unfetchable and not buildable at an IPv6 only connection. Same is true for Firefox and Thunderbird. Even codeload.github.com is not reachable via IPv6. LibreOffice for example is not buildable, because some of the dependencies are not fetchable.

While this is of course not a problem of FreeBSD it hits me as FreeBSD user with my great numbers of IPv6 only jails ;)

In the next weeks i will start an promotion campaign to reduce the lack of support.

Therefore i will:
- create a list of ports not fetchable through IPv6
- assembling a list of affected hosters
- contact the projects and try to help them to add support

If anybody is interested in help me with this task, feel free to contact me! :)

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