On Sunday,  7 February 2016 at 12:44:32 +0100, Torsten Zühlsdorff wrote:
> Hello,
>>> You have a tool presented as "official" that hasn't had it's
>>> original maintainer in 4 years and was only kept on life support up
>>> until 9 months ago.
>> Agreed, the "official" (the term used is "recommended") status is
>> gone.  But that's a reason to fix the documentation, not remove it.
>> As I see it, we have three choices, in increasing order of
>> desirability:
>> 1.  Remove all mention of portmaster.  That's what this PR recommends.
>> 2.  Do nothing.
>> 3.  Update the documentation to indicate the current status,
>>      recommending alternatives if possible.
> Number 4 is missing: find a maintainer for it.

Yes.  It was there in my draft, and I removed it.  It's a separate
issue: I was asking here about what to do with documentation for used,
but unmaintained packages.  But you make a good point: if there's a
lapse in maintainership, and the product then becomes maintained
again, you don't want to lose the documentation.

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