Michelle wrote:
> The way it was forced down everyone's necks pushed it to 8.4 and 9.x
> systems as well as 10.x, this was a bad decision.  It was a decision
> made by someone who doesn't live in the real world of production servers
> and production services... 

Michelle, I sympathize, but you're also not taking any responsibility
for that situation.  All those transitions were announced years in
advance.  I seem to recall you were completely unaware of those plans,
and if that is accurate, it's something you should have been aware of as
the administrator of real world production servers.

There was always the option of freezing the tree and pulling in the
security updates manually until you were ready to migrate to pkg(8) too.
 So there were other options and from my vantage point, you were in
control of your destiny.  (Heck, I'm sure you could have found
"consultants" to keep old trees working to your specifications for not
nearly what it cost to migrate.)

Anyway, I understand the frustration but I think there is plenty of
blame to go around.


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