
Could someone please help me get traction with the OpenJDK people so I can do this port? It's been submitted multiple times but I never hear back. I have managed to even write up a web page on the OpenNMS page. Problem is the thing crashed on OpenJDK 8 and 9 on FreeBSD. It does not crash on OpenJDK or Oracle JDK on Linux.


This is going on over 2 years. The OpenNMS people have created patches to fix any of their errors. However, OpenJDK does not respond with any help. Could someone in ports look into this and get some traction?

Right now, the app runs for about 1-24 hours and then Java cores.

It's been on 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 and even 10.3... Same error.

Thank you,

Paul Pathiakis
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