On 31/07/2016 09:12, Stari Karp wrote:

The new Blender 2.77a is in the ports which has many improvement
related to the Cycles engine but  on my system FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE
(amd64) is still not possible to run Blender with Cycles option on. It
build but Blender doesn't start:
Assertion failed: (findOption(Name) == Values.size() && "Option already
exists!"), function addLiteralOption, file
3.7.1.src/include/llvm/Support/CommandLine.h, line 698.
Abort (core dumped)

What do you have installed that uses llvm37?

When blender is built using CYCLESOSL it uses llvm34 which could be the
reason for the conflict.

If you are building with CYCLES and not CYCLESOSL then it shouldn't
need llvm34 but you may have two ports that blender depends on that
have been built using different llvm versions.

What ports are listed with -
pkg info -rx 'llvm3[47]'

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