Mathieu Arnold wrote on 08/10/2016 17:42:

It is coming.

constructive comments welcome.

I don't think I will do that for Apache 2.2 because it expires at the end
of the year.

I agree that there are problems with LoadModule lines in httpd.conf. Because some modules add / remove or comment / uncomment lines in this file making pkg upgrade painful. So I moved some 3rd party modules configuration in to different included file to solve this issue. But I am not sure I we really need to split httpd.conf in to 20, 30, or more little files as proposed in comments in I disagree with "httpd.conf never gets changed by the user" - we are always editing httpd.conf on all our servers. For example Listen to listen only on specified IP, ServerAdmin, CustomLog format and couple of Included *.conf files at the end of the httpd.conf

I cannot agree with splitting httpd.conf in to many small files. Change like this was made for dovecot.conf (24 files in conf.d) and it is lot of pain to find something in this mess or edit more than one thing in one file.

I understand that machine (scripted) editing of one big file is worse than deleting / replacing small files but for us humans one (or a few) files are easily editable than tens of small files.

So... LoadModule can be extracted from httpd.conf (and nothing else).
I am not sure if it should be one file for all modules or separate files for each module.

Miroslav Lachman
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