On 12/19/2016 20:22, Mark Linimon wrote:
On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 07:07:06PM -0600, John Marino wrote:
It's a natural reaction to stop attempting to contribute when previous
contributions don't get "attention they deserve".

Which some people (including me) see as odds with:

the impression that portmaster is officially recommended [has] to be
stamped out

People tend to put off working on topics that include "demands".

It's just human nature.

Plus, there are thousands of other PRs to work on that don't involve such
charged language.  Working on those is more rewarding and less frustrating.

It was decided that any implied recommendation for portupgrade and portmaster in FreeBSD documentation has to be removed. The docs people are aware of the decision and are charged to implement it. It's not "my" demand. If valid PRs are in a moving queue, fine. If valid PRs are being conveniently and intentionally forgotten, I would say that's not fine.

and mcl: I challenge you to identify *ANY* offputting language in PR 214679. You can't just imply that it exists when it doesn't.

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