Kurt Jaeger <li...@opsec.eu> wrote
  in <20170206111716.gj13...@home.opsec.eu>:

li> Hi!
li> > jh> > I have opened the PR 214665 on 19.11.2016. No reaction of the 
li> > jh> > until today. He also does not react to e-mails. What else can I do?
li> [...]
li> >  I am aware of this PR but I am still not sure of the cause since I
li> >  could not reproduce it.
li> In this case, please write a note into the PR that you can
li> not reproduce it. It helps the submitter to understand the situation.

 Okay, I will do it more actively.  Honestly I was leaning to working
 on upgrading TeXLive-related ports to the latest version instead of
 fixing issues which I could not reproduce but it has taken a longer
 time than I expected...

-- Hiroki

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