On 12/02/2017 08:37, Herbert J. Skuhra wrote:
Andy Farkas skrev:
I did a 'portmaster -a' and it seems devel/libcheck has changed to
(nothing in /usr/ports/UPDATING about this)

But devel/check won't install because:

pkg-static: check-0.11.0 conflicts with libcheck-0.10.0 (installs files
into the same place).  Problematic file:  /usr/local/bin/checkmk

I then tried 'pkg delete libcheck' but it wants to delete 48 packages
including my mate-base (which I rely on!) and also lumina which would
leave me without a window-manager!
- pkg delete -f libcheck
- portmaster -o devel/check libcheck

Thanks Herb!

The -f flag is not mentioned in the man page for pkg(8).

How did you know about it?


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