I don't use lynx (text-mode web browser) much, but have run into a problem that 
I never had before.

Lynx, and also w3m, download what are supposed to be text files and then I see 
the gzip'ed version on the hard drive.

Lynx used to download files as is!

I looked through "man lynx", also /usr/local/etc/lynx.cfg, and couldn't figure 
how to disable the annoying, gratuitous gzip.

Mozilla Seamonkey and Firefox can download straight without altering.

My previous experience was that Lynx was trustworthy and would download files 
as is.

Otherwise, what other text-mode web browsers are there in case my graphic 
interface (X) is not installed or is not operational?

In this case, the problem arose due to a conflict reported by svn in 

I solved that problem with "svn revert -R" but still would like to know how to 
make lynx properly functional again.

Lynx seems much easier to use than w3m, if I could find a way around its fetish 
with gzip; w3m also showed this fetish.


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