On 28/07/2017 16:51, Shane Ambler wrote:
On 27/07/2017 09:30, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
On 27-7-2017 01:43, mokhi wrote:
Good if it works :)

It is a gross hack, but it gets me going for the time being.

Also needed to fight with ninja.
Turns out that somebody changed my old port to include noninja, without
telling me... :(

That change would be related to r444324

Sorry, ignore that link, it should be

Your port uses cmake, which previously would use make to build your
port. The options to use ninja instead of make was an option but is now
the default as speed improvements on larger projects were found. The
addition of USES= cmake:noninja means your port failed using ninja
during the tests of that change, which means it was left to build the
same way it was before the change.

FreeBSD - the place to B...Software Developing

Shane Ambler

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