On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 21:12:28 -0800 "bob prohaska" <f...@www.zefox.net> said

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 08:32:53PM -0800, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > Stale ports SHOULD not be an issue. Normally old ports are updated
> automatically. It is important that your ports tree is consistent and,
> usually that it is current. Assuming yours is, the only issue is the
> oddball case like this one. You won't hit them often. Usually it is when a
> file that is tested for is missing. Usually a library. pkgdb says that the
> port is installed, but the make looks for the actual library and triggers
> an install, as opposed to a reinstall, when it is not found. Unled this
> systm has been massively mangled, it is a very unusual development, at
> least in my experience.
> --

Aye, there's the rub 8-)

Some time ago I accidentally destroyed most of /usr and ended up
reconstructing it from a recent snapshot. Since buildworld and
buildkernel seemed to work in /usr/src, I thought /usr/ports would
be likewise recovered after a fresh checkout.

For now I've set
FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=yes in /etc/src.conf and that seems to allow make to proceed without
interruptions for dns/bind910, but I gather that's not a long-term
I think you might have been better off going with the suggested
cd /offending/port
make deinstall
make reinstall

The choice to pollute your environment with FORCE_PKG_REGISTER
will simply compound the problem you're already experiencing. :(
Just saying.

In the end, you're probably going need to decide on a revision,
and check it out for both src && ports. Then perform a fresh
build(world/kernel) && install world/kernel. Else you'll be
fighting  this and other woes for eternity.

I'm only saying all this in an effort to help. :)

All the best, and best of luck. :)


Thanks very much!

bob prohaska

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