The problem with libcanberra is around pulseaudio and gstreamer. It is also 
with how gtk, a Visual Graphical toolkit, is mixed in with an Audio application.

I didn't say you didn't know about it, I was just putting it out there. They've 
done a good job of cleaning up and fixing ALSA to work on top of OSS: the most 
obvious problems with that are fixed. Pulseaudio hasn't been cleaned up, which 
it is better for applications to avoid it all together, and I don't know if 
Pulseaudio is worth fixing.

It is really a travesty that a simple program that plays simple sounds like 
"Ding!" has to be this complicated, when OSS, and sndio work, and even when 
something as complicated as ALSA was simplified enough to work efficiently on 
top of OSS.

"When devs take the easiest path..." This is the Linuxism route, to pile on. I 
don't even consider that the easiest path, a lazy path instead, considering its 
usual outcome, of requiring hours to compile something which should compile in 
5 minutes. FreeBSD and other BSD's have largely simplified many of these 
issues, recently.

> blubee blubeeme; Wed Dec 20 07:26:43 UTC 2017
> I know this.
> These are just some of the reasons why I wanted to make sure that the OSS in 
> FreeBSD is actually up to snuff
because working on fixing issues like these the easiest route is; just use ALSA 
or some such crap which is
unacceptable to me if it can use OSS.
> When devs take the easiest path then instead of fixing the root issues, 
> problems are compounded;
just like the example you gave of layering pulse on top of gstreamer, those 
"solutions" are brittle and will
inevitably break.

> I'd like to have a solid foundation and build from there, not be constantly 
> trying to re-implement the wheel.
> This is just one OPTIONAL dependency for a piece of software that I want to 
> port and this software isn't
even audio related, it's an ibus plugin.

Sid; Wed Dec 20 07:04:08 UTC 2017

>> According to 
>>  updated September 2012

>> "libcanberra is mostly feature complete. For now however it includes 
>> backends only for ALSA, PulseAudio, OSS and GStreamer."

>> "The OSS driver is incomplete: only sound files that are in a format 
>> natively understood by the sound card are supported. If the sample type, 
>> channel map or sampling rate of the sound file are not supported by the 
>> sound card no automatic conversion will take place and the file will not be 
>> played. Also note that the OSS backend is most likely incompatible with 
>> OSS4, due to subtle incompatibilities between OSS4 and the OSS 3.x."

>> "It is recommended to always take the "shortest" path from libcanberra to 
>> the audio device. I.e. don't use the GStreamer plugin if libcanberra 
>> supports the final output target natively. Besides being more 
>> resource-friendly and less error-prone, some advanced functionality might 
>> get lost with each layer you add to your stack. For example: while you could 
>> use libcanberra's Gstreamer backend to output to a PulseAudio server this 
>> will not be able to make use of sample cacheing or will be able to attach 
>> additional meta data to the sounds played, which might be necessary for 
>> effects like positional event sounds."

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