On Sun, 7 Jan 2018 19:02:35 -0700 "Kirk Coombs" <freebsd-po...@coombscloud.com> 


I’m working on building my very first port (for the server component from
https://www.urbackup.org/ <https://www.urbackup.org/>). Since this my first
attempt at porting, I have ended up iterating a lot on the pkg-plist, new
files in the ‘files’ directory, etc. as I try new things and explore the
options in the Porter’s Handbook. To test any of these changes, I find that
I need to do a ‘make clean’ from the port's directory in order for them
to be used on the next ‘make build’--which obviously deletes any
compiling work that had been done previously. Since this application takes a
few minutes to compile, that can be a bit annoying and slow down the
iterative debugging and learning process.

Is there an easy way to avoid having to do a full ‘make clean’ when you
change pkg-plist, etc.? Nothing is jumping out at me in the Porter’s
Handbook, 'man port', or my web searches.
I'm not exactly sure what commands you're currently using to accomplish
your intended goal(s).
But if it's just pkg-plist that you're working on; you might find:

make -DBATCH makeplist






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