On 03/18/18 14:53, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
Gary Aitken wrote on 2018/03/18 20:04:
Trying to work up a development port of ufraw, fetching from https://github.com/sergiomb2/ufraw.git (or at least that's where I
can get the source manually) Going slowly, just trying to get the
source fetched properly:
ufraw-devel-g20161113 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - found => sergiomb2-ufraw-g20161113_GH0.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in
../../distfiles/ufraw-devel. => Attempting to fetch

 Not Found
=> Attempting to fetch

 Not Found
=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this => port manually
into ../../distfiles/ufraw-devel and try again.

It was my understanding that the USE_GITHUB target would somehow magically clone the tree and build the requisite tarball, or
unpack the whole thing into distfiles.  Obviously I'm missing
something. Clues?

Makefile: # $FreeBSD$

DISTDIR= ../../distfiles PORTNAME= ufraw-devel DISTVERSION= g20161113 CATEGORIES= graphics #MASTER_SITES=

USE_GITHUB=     yes GH_ACCOUNT=     sergiomb2 GH_PROJECT=
ufraw #GH_TAGNAME=    g6d3259aa


MAINTAINER=     free...@dreamchaser.org COMMENT=        Read and
manipulate raw images from digital cameras LICENSE=        GPLv2

.include <bsd.port.mk>

Where did you get this version number? DISTVERSION=    g20161113

I was trying to follow example 5.13 in the porter's handbook.
However, this particular git tree has only a main branch and no
tags, so it's not a perfect fit.

What about this

PORTNAME=       ufraw-devel PORTVERSION=    g20161113 CATEGORIES=
graphics MASTER_SITES=   GH

MAINTAINER=     free...@dreamchaser.org COMMENT=        Read and
manipulate raw images from digital cameras

LICENSE=        GPLv2

USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= sergiomb2 GH_PROJECT= ufraw GH_TAGNAME= 6d3259a

.include <bsd.port.mk>

Unfortunately, that yields the same results.
However, thanks for the hints;
I did get it to work as follows:

MASTER_SITES=   https://github.com/sergiomb2/ufraw/archive/
DISTNAME=       master

The link shown on the website for a "Download zip file" is
But the file fetched was

$ make fetch
=> Attempting to fetch https://github.com/sergiomb2/ufraw/archive/master.tar.gz
fetch: https://github.com/sergiomb2/ufraw/archive/master.tar.gz: size of remote 
file is not known

However, I'm still puzzled because this method totally ignores all the
special hooks that are supposed to make a git repository work.

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