Hello Mark,

Thanks for your reply. I didn't know about the elasticsearch_env="" - so
thanksfor that. So my follow-up questions are:

  * How would I have to set up elasticsearch_env="", cause according to
    the man of env elasticsearch_env="-S -P
    /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" wouldn't do the job.
  * What needs to be changed, so elasticsearch's auto detect script
    would work with regular values of PATH? Cause currently the default
    PATH is like: PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin and this won't work
    with an openjdk compiled from ports. Cause this would be my prefered

Can I post your replies in the FreeBSD forum? Might be useful for others
as well ;)

Thanks a lot

Best regards,

Am 30.03.18 um 21:34 schrieb Mark Felder:
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018, at 05:43, Leander Schäfer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> it looks like textproc/elasticsearch6 does not honour /etc/profile?
>> Please have a look for detailed description and reproduction of the
>> issue:
>> https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/textproc-elasticsearch6-does-not-honour-etc-profile.65338/
>> Best regards,
>> Leander S.
> I'm pretty sure this is not supposed to work. /etc/profile is used by sh(1) 
> and would only be read during a login shell. The FreeBSD rc subsystem uses 
> "su -m" when running processes as a specific user, not "su -l". The "su -l" 
> would fail because ElasticSearch's user has a default shell of /sbin/nologin. 
> As far as I can tell this is normal behavior.
> If you need to change env for Elastic you can use the elasticsearch_env="" in 
> /etc/rc.conf. Any further questions about overcoming issues in your 
> environment are welcome. We also have a list for elastic now called 
> "freebsd-elas...@freebsd.org". 
> Hope that helps,

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