On Mon, 16 Apr 2018 10:21:20 +0200 "Julian H. Stacey" <j...@berklix.com> wrote:
> Hi po...@freebsd.org people,
> Might any of you have a FreeBSD ports/ reccomendation for a building
> architecture schematic diagram editor, please ? To plan eg big house room
> layouts { furniture moves, building sale / rent} etc ?
> I'm not looking for professional architects or structural engineers
> tools to plan new buildings.  I'm not looking for millimetre precise
> kitchen layout programs if such exist, I'm just looking to produce
> the sort of plan one gets from estate agents, and on landlord/
> tenant rental contracts etc.
> I searched, but nothing from https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/ports.cgi
> Only port I can think of is xfig, which I've used for other things
>       https://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports/head/graphics/xfig/
> but wondering if something else more appropriate exists ?
> Looking for something to tart up my hand sketches & a raft of
> measurements hand written on them, taken from a laser measurer.
> I'm not looking to include a bluetooth professional laser measurer
> to PC/android data transfer, though they exist, I just bought a
> much cheaper simple laser measurer, & content to hand edit.

maybe cad/sweethome3d
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