On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 04:49:34PM -0700, Dan Mahoney (Gushi) wrote:
> On Sun, 20 May 2018, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
> > On 05/20/18 21:15, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> > > 21.05.2018 2:02, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
> > OK, I'll try to explain a bit more.
> > 
> > Firstly, this port is PHP code and needs no compilation, so they are
> > both source files. NO_BUILD=       yes
> > 
> > www/wordpress is a similar port, correctly implemented in the ports
> > tree, if you install it from ports you will have identical result to
> > downloading from wordpress.org and extract it manually.
> > 
> > The difference as stated above, is that the FreeBSD port includes the
> > files for *development* of Joomla, the official download has all the
> > files necessay to build a website based on Joomla.
> > 
> > It may be that there are people using FreeBSD to develop Joomla, then of
> > course this port are for them, although a more proper naming would be
> > joomla3-devel or somesuch.
> joomla-devel would kind of imply that you're installing the "devel" version
> of it, not that it includes the devel LIBS.  This seems to be a standard
> wording for ports (see locate /usr/ports/ | grep \\\-devel | grep pkg-descr
> | xargs cat )
> What makes more sense to me is that the Dev files would be part of a
> non-default option -- whether that's included with the normal .tar.gz or
> requires the github copy, I can't say.
> I don't know if there's a *canonical* naming that universally means this is
> what '-devel' means.

Errr, ICBW (one needs to look at the history of the port), but in
FreeBSD a -devel version of the port is usually created when somebody
wants to be able to install a version that is currently under
development and yet keep the ability for normal users to use the stable
version.  In these cases, a second port is created (once upon a time
this was done by a repository copy to preserve the port's history) that
is exactly the same as the first one, and then the port maintainer
updates the second port (the -devel one) to a newer version.


Peter Pentchev  roam@{ringlet.net,debian.org,FreeBSD.org} p...@storpool.com
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