On Sat, 16 Jun 2018 00:26:36 +1000 (EST) "Dave Horsfall" <d...@horsfall.org> 

A related discussion reminded me of this: how would Microsoft's purchase of GitHub affect future development? After all, they'll get to call the shots...[*] The only good thing that came out of M$ is their RTF document format (used natively by the Mac's TextEdit utility, for example), which being plain ASCII can be edited directly if necessary (and I have).

I've been looking at BitKeeper, for example, the author of which (Larry McEvoy) I happen to know from another mailing list. Apparently, converting from Git is as simple as: "git fast-export | bk fast-import".

And no, before some here accuse me of being a shill for BK, I have nothing to do with the product whatsoever, other than as someone looking for an alternative to something now owned by M$ (and I've used just about everything since SCCS).
Thanks, Dave. I had intended to bring up similar dialog, when I discovered the
announcement. Not a big loss to me, as I've always been more of a GitLab fan.
But hadn't looked at BitKeeper. Thanks for the reference!

Remember their motto: "Embrace, extend, extinguish".

-- Dave, who has been called paranoid before
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