Dear all,

I have a questions reagarding the RUN_DEPENDS and at which step
dependencies should be installed.
I'm the maintainer of gitlab-ce port and I added a feature that checks
in the install target:
        (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${RM} Gemfile.lock && bundle install --local)
        ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name '*.orig' -delete

that all gems available in the system do match the version required by
the Gemfile.
Poudriere works fine with this, but portmaster fails.
Regarding the documentation RUN_DEPENDS packages should be installed
before the install is happening.
Is this install related to the do-install target or the installation of
the package itself?

Is this maybe a problem with portmaster as poudiere handles this correctly?



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produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
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