I am using Freebsd 11.1 Release. Recently I wanted to upgrade gkrellm which
I use on my fluxbox desktop. I normally build everything from ports and for
the last week I have been trying to build  gkrellm but it keeps giving the
following error and quits:

*portmaster sysutils/gkrellm===>>> Port directory:
/usr/ports/sysutils/gkrellm===>>> Gathering distinfo list for installed
ports===>>> Launching 'make checksum' for sysutils/gkrellm in
background===>>> Gathering dependency list for sysutils/gkrellm from
ports===>>> Initial dependency check complete for sysutils/gkrellm===>>>
Starting build for sysutils/gkrellm <<<======>>> All dependencies are up to
date===>  Cleaning for gkrellm-1.2.13_11===>  gkrellm-1.2.13_11 cannot
install: Unknown component imlib.*** Error code 1Stop.make: stopped in
/usr/ports/sysutils/gkrellm===>>> make build failed for
sysutils/gkrellm===>>> Aborting update===>>> You can restart from the point
of failure with this command line:       portmaster <flags>
sysutils/gkrellm *

I tried looking up imlib in the ports and I got graphics/imlib2 which I
built. But it has no effect on gkrellm. I cant find anything on imlib on
google either. So I have no idea what should be done to get the code to
build. I run portsnap everyday so my ports list is up to date.

Any pointers are most welcome.

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