[The context here is FreeBSD head -r341836 based and ports head -r488859 based.]

/usr/include/sys/msgbuf.h has:

struct msgbuf {
        char       *msg_ptr;            /* pointer to buffer */
#define MSG_MAGIC       0x063062
        u_int      msg_magic;
        u_int      msg_size;            /* size of buffer area */
        u_int      msg_wseq;            /* write sequence number */
        u_int      msg_rseq;            /* read sequence number */
        u_int      msg_cksum;           /* checksum of contents */
        u_int      msg_seqmod;          /* range for sequence numbers */
        int        msg_lastpri;         /* saved priority value */
        u_int      msg_flags;
#define MSGBUF_NEEDNL   0x01    /* set when newline needed */
        struct mtx msg_lock;            /* mutex to protect the buffer */


struct target_msgbuf {
    abi_long    mtype;      /* message type */
    char        mtext[1];   /* body of message */

I'm guessing here that target_msgbuf is not meant to be a match to
msgbuf . Either way, there is no point in comparing sizes or field
offsets as things are now.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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