On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 08:16:56PM -0700, Ultima wrote:
> Why was the change made to add additional requirements for
> using USE_GNOME? I'm not seeing what value this provides.
> Is this to make the use of USES followed by USE_* more
> standardized?

No change was made to add requirements.  The old Mk/bsd.gnome.mk was converted
to Mk/Uses/gnome.mk to help standardize things.  So, like all USES, you
have to say USES=gnome before you can say USE_GNOME=foo.  It is the same
for every other old thing that was converted.
USES gives you one place to declare which component you will be using in the
port, so one can know at once what they will find in there.

Mathieu Arnold

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