On 10 Apr 2019, at 19:37, George Mitchell <george+free...@m5p.com> wrote:
> Yesterday I went through a round of updating and compiling ports.  By
> all outward appearances it was successful.  But this morning's daily
> status report revealed that clang had crashed on a signal 11 once
> while compiling each qt5 package.  (For once, it was useful to have
> the "such-and-such installed" messages in the system log.)  So I just
> tried recompiling qt5-qmake just now under "script".  Sure enough,
> there was a clang crash about 15 seconds before the end of typescript,
> though the typescript output looks completely innocuous as far as I
> can see, and all the qt5 packages and their dependencies seem to be
> functional at this point.  Any idea about what's going on?
> The typescript output is at https://m5p.com/~george/typescript if
> you think it would be helpful.                            -- George

Hi George,

I don't see any crash report(s) in the typescript?  Did clang drop two
files (a .sh and preprocessed .c or .cpp file) in /tmp, by any chance?

If you are using a stable branch, clang will not have been built with
assertions, and that can lead to crashes in some cases.  You could try
commenting out the -DNDEBUG line in lib/clang/llvm.build.mk, and then
rebuilding and reinstalling world.  Then try the port again.


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