On 22/05/2019 12:51, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 12:43:33PM +0100, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
Is there any way to reinstall a package with all its dependencies?

I am getting the following error:

root@someserv:~ # pkg check -d
Checking all packages: 100%
elinks is missing a required shared library: libjs.so

2 reasons may happen for that to happen:
1/ spidermonkey17 does not have a proper SONAME for the libjs.so file it
provides (bug 1)
2/ somehow the linked port seems to not register properly spidermonkey17 as a
direct dependency of elinks when the option is checked (bug 2)

I have checked the case 1 and yes libjs.so is buggy I haven't yet checked the
case 2, but I quite sure there is a bug there as well, resulting in a package
that does not have the proper dependencies registered at the creation

Best regards,

Are you saying that even if elinks was reinstalled with dependencies that wouldn't help?

We have two issues here:

1. How to reinstall a package with dependencies (as stated in the subject)

2. Would reinstalling elinks with all dependencies fix the issue mentioned in the email

I have a couple more packages broken like elinks. I didn't include them because I only wanted to post an example and assumed they would be fixed if I reinstalled them properly. But here we go:

root@someserv:~ # pkg check -d
Checking all packages: 100%
elinks is missing a required shared library: libjs.so
fireflies is missing a required shared library: libgfx.so
py27-exiv2 is missing a required shared library: libexiv2.so.26

There was also virtuoso but I deinstalled it assuming it's an old version (the new version doesn't build due to openssl 1.1.0 issue).

So now I have two questions: Is it possible to reinstall a package with it's dependencies? And what to do with those broken packages above, should I report a bug?

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