
On one (and only one) of my 11.2/amd64 systems, portsdb -U has been consistently failing for several days, with the following error message:

make_index: /usr/ports/www/radicale: no entry for /usr/ports/www/py-requests1

I usually just delete www/radicale, since I don't use it, but now I'd like to get a hang on this.

Obviously this comes from the following line of www/radicale/Makefile:

There's a py-request directory in /usr/ports/www, but no py-requests1.
I'm lost here: in my ignorance I would expect it to exist or else portsdb to fail on all my boxes...

Is there some sort of translation that should go on and remove that "1"?
Am I missing anything?

 bye & Thanks

I have DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=python=2.7 in /etc/make.conf, but removing it doesn't seem to make any difference.
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