Am 2020-02-24 um 22:52 schrieb Miroslav Lachman:
Michael Osipov wrote on 2020/02/24 21:40:
Am 2020-02-24 um 20:56 schrieb Miroslav Lachman:


I tried it on simpler website on HTTP without external fonts etc. but
it is still crashing

Example JS code and truss output is on hastebin

No fopen found there :(

Can you also please provide the backtrace from lldb for this core dump?

lldb backtrace

Surprisingly, the last call is:

which comes from ICU. The entire website has been read from the
socket, as you can see from the read in 2246.
Maybe it to convert the "charset=iso-8859-2" to LC_ALL value.

I would recommend to have a simple server built in PHP or Python and
try the simplest site possible w/o CSS and then add one w/o fonts first.

I tried it on the simplest web page without any fonts, css etc. but it
is still crashing. I removed the charset from the page so it is now not
using ICU.

Let me know if I can try anything else.

OK, it is getting closer.

The crash comes from this call:

Can you commet comment this line, recompile qtwebkit and see what happens?

Either this line:
does not work properly or this is broken:

I'd like to see to see the content of familyName when passed. Either via
breakpoint or with std::cout. Unfortunately, my C++ knowledge is
minimal. I recommend to write a minimal C++ app with a function call and
signature "const String& str" and then pass the string [1]. Since this
is a custom type, I don't know whether cout will work. You have to try.


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