Hi, all

I'm tring to build packages in arm64/aarch64 on
qemu-system-aarch64. But it's too late in comparision to
amd64 on bhyve. For example, `make package-recursive' of
devel/binutils on qemu takes 67 times of bhyve [1]. I found
that it's difference caused from disk geometry factors such
as stripesize, cylinders according to firmware and heads
according to firmware [2]. 

I also try to test in qcow2 format with cache-size 4 GB, but
nothing progress:

root@vm:/vm/test # qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt -cpu cortex-a57 -smp 4 -m 
8G,maxmem=8G -name test -blockdev 
-device virtio-blk-device,drive=hda -nographic -monitor 
telnet::5045,server,nowait,nodelay -serial telnet::5044,server,nowait,nodelay 
-bios QEMU_EFI.fd

root@vm:~ # telnet localhost 5044
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

FreeBSD/arm64 (freebsd) (ttyu0)

login: root
Aug 28 02:25:30 freebsd login[865]: ROOT LOGIN (root) ON ttyu0
Last login: Fri Aug 28 01:14:36 on ttyu0
FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT (GENERIC) #0 r364182: Thu Aug 13 05:44:54 UTC 2020

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Edit /etc/motd.template to change this login announcement.
root@freebsd:~ # df 
Filesystem      1K-blocks    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ufs/rootfs   4053356 2727620 1001468    73%    /
devfs                   1       1       0   100%    /dev
root@freebsd:~ # diskinfo -tv /dev/ufs/rootfs
        512             # sectorsize
        4295020032      # mediasize in bytes (4.0G)
        8388711         # mediasize in sectors
        0               # stripesize
        34091520        # stripeoffset
        8322            # Cylinders according to firmware.
        16              # Heads according to firmware.
        63              # Sectors according to firmware.
                        # Disk descr.
                        # Disk ident.
                        # Attachment
        Yes             # TRIM/UNMAP support
        Unknown         # Rotation rate in RPM

Seek times:
        Full stroke:      250 iter in   0.133557 sec =    0.534 msec
        Half stroke:      250 iter in   0.136215 sec =    0.545 msec
        Quarter stroke:   500 iter in   0.290992 sec =    0.582 msec
        Short forward:    400 iter in   0.204633 sec =    0.512 msec
        Short backward:   400 iter in   0.246820 sec =    0.617 msec
        Seq outer:       2048 iter in   1.149787 sec =    0.561 msec
        Seq inner:       2048 iter in   1.162127 sec =    0.567 msec

Transfer rates:
        outside:       102400 kbytes in   0.499821 sec =   204873 kbytes/sec
        middle:        102400 kbytes in   0.498121 sec =   205573 kbytes/sec
        inside:        102400 kbytes in   0.488791 sec =   209496 kbytes/sec

root@freebsd:~ # 

Is there any suggetions?

Best regards


Kazuhiko Kiriyama <k...@truefc.org>
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