On 10/16/20 4:44 PM, Thierry Thomas wrote:

Are they abandoned upstream?

Some activities take place in GitHub. E.g. for MDB2 and Mail_Queue:
- https://github.com/pear/MDB2
- https://github.com/pear/Mail_Queue

but no release seem produced.

Hello and thanks for your time.

Since PEAR (or at least part of it) does not work with php74, I think the port infrastructure should not provide it.

Changing perspective, I guess it's time for me to remove Pear from this project and replace it with something else.

Use case is sending mass mail and this is achieved in two phases:
a) insert the message into a database, along with hundreds of address to which it must be sent; b) periodically (currently from cron) get some of these addresses (10 to 30) and send such messages (so they are not sent all at one time).

Anything in the port tree to achieve that?

It does not necessarily have to be PHP, as long as part A can be achieved/called from a PHP application in some way.

 bye & Thanks
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