On 24/01/2021 20:35, Russell L. Carter wrote:
I am completely ignorant here and am looking for up to
date advice on how to get poudriere to build and make
available package sets from multiple ports trees.  I
see there is a port "portshaker" that seems to do much
of what I want.


Ports and poudriere supports "overlay" for some time (it was added in the last year)

So you can use default ports tree plus your own tree with own ports or modified existing ports and build packages from both of them.

Both ports trees must be registred in poudriere. In this example it will be "default" and "mfh_overlay". The second contains my modifications.

# poudriere ports -l
default     svn+https 2021-01-15 20:23:10 /vol0/poudriere/ports/default
headtest    portsnap  2020-03-10 12:37:55 /vol0/poudriere/ports/headtest
mfh_overlay svn+https 2019-11-04 16:33:04 /vol0/poudriere/ports/mfh_overlay

And the you can run "poudriere bulk" command with -O and the name of your "overlay" tree - "mfh_overlay" in this case ("monitoring" is the name of my packages set used only on machines doing monitoring stuff)

# poudriere bulk -v -j 11_4_amd64 -z monitoring -p default -O mfh_overlay -f /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/pkglists/monitoring

But there is one problem. "poudriere bulk" supports overlay with -O but "poudriere options" not. It means you cannot run "poudriere options" to configure options for both trees. Poudriere ends with error about nonexistent ports origin if it exists only in overlay tree and not in the default tree.

Miroslav Lachman
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