
Jonathan Chen wrote on 2021/02/24 11:25:
> You're running 12.1, and not -STABLE. The EOL for 12.1 was Nov-2019.
> You need to get a later version or run -STABLE (ie: build from source
> off the stable/12 branch).

No, it's the 12.x-STABLE. But it's older than 12.2-RELEASE.

By the way, now 12.x-STABLE needs to bring the source with the following git 
Is there an announcement about it anywhere?

git clone -b stable/12 "https://git.FreeBSD.org/src.git"; /usr/src
git -C /usr/src/ fetch -- origin stable/12
git -C /usr/src/ merge --
git -C /usr/src/ reset --hard HEAD --


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