On 22 Mar 2021, at 14:40, Shawn Webb <shawn.w...@hardenedbsd.org> wrote:
> I'm tracking down a regression in ports regarding TCL and unicode. The
> primary victim of the problem is databases/sqlite3. Note that I use
> freebsd-ports on github as my upstream, so I'll be using git commit
> hashes from that repo.
> The sqlite3 build failure can be seen at [1].
> If I revert commit 787aad81fc79d441fb0c9a750e6e33b6c0ea7ac6, sqlite3
> builds fine. I noticed a few key changes from that commit:
> The build of sqlite3 depends on TCL: instead of using the distfile
> that has the autoconf artifacts pre-generated, the distfile without
> the autoconf artifacts is used (changing from
> sqlite-autoconf-3340100.tar.gz to sqlite-src-3340100.zip). This
> means that the TCL-based autoconf artifacts must be generated
> locally. At least, partially. It seems that the only part of the
> build that depends on TCL is the sqlite3_analyzer.
> Admittedly, this change is somewhat confusing to me. I'm having
> somewhat of a hard time knowing whether it's TCL or sqlite3 itself
> as the main culprit.
> Any guidance is appreciated.
> [1]: 
> http://ci-08.md.hardenedbsd.org/data/hardenedbsd-current_amd64-local/2021-03-21_13h53m43s/logs/errors/sqlite3-3.34.1,1.log

Hi Shawn,

It builds fine for me locally on 14.0-CURRENT (as of ~2 days ago), and
indeed the sqlite3.c file is now dynamically generated by tcl.

In your CI failure case, it looks like something is inserting blobs of
zero bytes into the resulting file, though? So either the file system
is going bad, or tcl is outputting nonsense, for some reason. At least,
I think you'll have to do some investigations in that direction...


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