* Milan Obuch <freebsd-po...@dino.sk> [20210401 09:54]:
> This is unpleasant move for me. This means git or equivalent (and
> dependencies) must be installed on any box where tracking ports tree is
> planned/needed... and no tool like svnlite could be expected in base
> system for some time.

If all you need is to keep your ports tree up to date, have a look at
net/gitup. No dependencies and can't possibly get any simpler.

 Dipl.-Inform. Felix Palmen  <fe...@palmen-it.de>   ,.//..........
 {web}  http://palmen-it.de  {jabber} [see email]   ,//palmen-it.de
 {pgp public key}     http://palmen-it.de/pub.txt   //   """""""""""
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