D'Arcy Cain wrote on 01/04/2021 22:08:
On 2021-04-01 4:55 a.m., Bob Eager wrote:
I got a partial answer. There is a port, net/gitup, that will do an
update of sorts. (Note: I was just told 'gitup' and there is an old
port, now renamed 'git-up', which is not the right one).

I just tried gitup and was told tha I had no permissions for /var/db/gitup.

I just tried gitup and it was killed after apparently exhausting my swap space. I had no such problem with portsnap :-(

My system (Vultr VPS) has 512K memory and 1.5G swap.

> Can I not run gitup as a normal user?

I don't believe so.
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