On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 11:55:32AM +0100, Stacey Roberts wrote:
> Hello,
>      I just tried cvsup'ing my ports tree with the command:
> cvsup ports-supfile
> But instead of the gui being launched., I get this on the command line:
> Demon# cvsup ports-supfile
> Connected to cvsup2.uk.FreeBSD.org....
> This is what I have in my port-supfile (which was used just yesterday,
> and hasn't changed in ages). What is going on here?????:

Do you have the cvsup port installed, or cvsup-without-gui?  If not the
-without-gui version, check that your DISPLAY env variable is being set
correctly - I think (note - I'm not sure ;-) that cvsup will first test to 
see if X is running, and will then connect to $DISPLAY to create the gui
window - if you are remotely logged in, DISPLAY may not be set, causing 
cvsup to use terminal output.

This behaviour is not to do with your supfile, which looks fine.



Daniel Bye

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