On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 03:11:15PM -0600, Grant Cooper wrote:
> Can someone point to a good mail package to use with FreeBSD 4.5. I have my
> own domain and need some help. I want something simple to start with. I also
> would like to know what companies are using in general. Something free. I
> will only need 1 or 2 e-mails. I am also using apache, not sure if that
> matters.

I use Exim as my mail transport agent (the server part), procmail as a
delivery agent (it allows you to filter mail according to rules you
specify, and is very flexible), spamd/spamc to check each incoming 
message for spam content, and mutt to read and compose mails.

All of these packages are in the ports, and all have good documentation
supplied.  Oh, and they're all "free".

If you want to include Apache in your mail setup, you could also try
something like SquirrelMail, which provides an HTML interface to your
e-mail.  Haven't used it though, so don't know what it is capable of.
However, you shouldn't see any problems with running a mail setup and
apache on the same system.

However, this being FreeBSD, there are many many other possible 
configurations, all as valid as each other...  I arrived at my 
particular combination of apps after trying out all sorts of others.

Good luck! 


Daniel Bye

PGP Key: ftp://ftp.slightlystrange.org/pgpkey/dan.asc
PGP Key fingerprint: 3D73 AF47 D448 C5CA 88B4 0DCF 849C 1C33 3C48 2CDC
                                              ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
                                         - against HTML, vCards and  X
                                - proprietary attachments in e-mail / \

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