> From: Gavin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: su to root 
> Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 18:10:09 +0900
> I've just installed FreeBSD 4.5, and using some of my linux knowledge,
> I've tried to "su" to root from my user account, I've checked the
> online book and I cant seem to find anything about su-ing... I'm also
> using "Unix hints and HACKS" as my first reference book.. Page 92
> (Security) says I should type the complete path eg. /bin/su 
>                /bin/su root
> when I type $ /bin/su I get not found
>            $ /bin/su root  not found

    first, you can check whether a command is in your path by using
    the which command, which is in available in all shells i have

    roman@freepuppy ~ 107:0 > sh
    $ which su
    $ which which
    $ exit
    roman@freepuppy ~ 108:0 > tcsh
    > which su
    > which which
    which: shell built-in command.
    > exit
    roman@freepuppy ~ 109:0 > bash
    zsh: correct 'bash' to 'hash' [nyae]? n
    zsh: command not found: bash
    roman@freepuppy ~ 110:1 > :)
    zsh: parse error near `)'
    roman@freepuppy ~ 111:1 > which su
    roman@freepuppy ~ 112:0 > echo $SHELL
    roman@freepuppy ~ 113:0 > which which
    which: shell built-in command
    roman@freepuppy ~ 114:0 > 

    of course, if you're paranoid, you have to assume that the which
    command has been replaced as well.

> Another question, what group do I need to be in to su to root (if I
> need to be in a special group that is..)      


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