On Sat, Jun 08, 2002 at 09:58:34PM -0500, Ray Seals wrote:
> I purchased StarOffice 6.0 and have installed it on my FreeBSD 4.5
> laptop.  I can successfully open up .xls .doc and other files.  I can
> print these documents to my network laser printer.  The problem begins
> when I try to save a document.  Every time that I try to save a document
> I get this error message:
> /home/trseals does not exist
> Which is correct, because it should be /usr/home/trseals.  Does anyone
> have a similar problem.  I have installed StarOffice as both my user and
> as root to see if the problem is different, but it still won't let me
> save a document.

Yup. It has a problem seeing directories.   In the dialog box they
look like zero length files.

I bought the package too as I was hoping they fixed this as I
reported it to them in the Beta period.  They didn't.  When I
reported it to them last week I got the email below today.  Looks
like we are S.O.L. from Sun on this. 

Is this a known Linux emulation problem?  Arguments being passed
back to Staroffice in ways it wasn't expecting?

From: Sun Microsystems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tim Pozar Pozar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 13:50:31 (GMT)
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-mailer: AspMail 3.53 (SMTPD1B712)
Subject: Answer for your Support Request CaseID #3339, Customer ID: 3000421
Thank you for using our StarOffice Support Service.
The following solution to your support case number #3339 is:

Your question:
I am experiencing problems with StarOffice under FreeBSD.

        [I actually gave them a very detail run down of the problem.
        I don't know how it got trimmed down to this. - Tim]

Our answer:
StarOffice was not developed, tested, or is available for the
operating system FreeBSD. Problems which occur with FreeBSD cannot
be traced or checked, since this platformis not supported or available

StarOffice supports the following operating systems:
- Windows 95 / 98 / NT / ME / 2000 / XP
- Linux (starting with Kernel 2.2.13 and glibc2 2.1.3)
- Solaris (starting with Version 7, recommended is Version 8)
Sparc processor:
- Solaris (starting with Version 7, recommended is Version 8)
Since this request involves a non-technical-based inquiry or a
problem which could not be completely solved, this request will not
be charged for. If you have used your Freecall for this particular
support case, this option will be renewed so that you can reuse
this call for a new request.
We hope that your request has been resolved to your satisfaction.
If you are not pleased with the solution provided (as long as this
is technically possible), we would like to offer you the possibility
to reopen this problem under the corresponding support case number
#3339. In this case, please contact us either by phone or use our
online support request form at
ATTENTION: Please do not reply to this e-mail address because this
address is used only to automatically send mail and therefore is
not controlled by our engineers.  Shortly you will be receiving a
survey based on the quality of our support service. We would greatly
appreciate your input based on your experience with our support
service ??? this naturally includes critic and helpful suggestions
to improve our service.

Please note that further questions about this particular case cannot
be asked under this support case number #3339. Therefore, if you
still have questions regarding this or other StarOffice problems,
you will need to open a new support request.
Your StarOffice Product Support Team
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                                                                 

  Snail: Tim Pozar / LNS / 1978 45th Ave / San Francisco CA 94116 / USA
               POTS: +1 415 665 3790  Radio: KC6GNJ / KAE6247
"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."
                        - Andrew Jackson
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
which is the exact opposite." - Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical_Essays"

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