On Wednesday 18 September 2002 07:46 am, you wrote:
> On Thursday 18 July 2002 11:04 am, Shaun Branden wrote:
> >> I am trying to get my Handspring Visor to sync with freebsd stable
> >> using  anything. Has anyone been successful with syncing a visor/palm
> >>pilot over usb ?
> >>
> >> shaun
> >Yes, I've been sucsessful, but that's because I have written a patch 
> >for pilot-link (backend for kpilot I think) that will use the FreeBSD
> >USB interface.  I was hoping to get the licensing issues with the patch
> >worked out today, but a meeting blew the whole day.  I'm hoping that I
> >will be able to get the patch submitted next week.
> >--
> >Anish Mistry
> Have you released the patch yet?  If so I would be very very happy.  I
> recently uninstalled FreeBSD because there wasn't any USB support for my
> Sony Clie peg-s320.  I searched everywhere for info on this but no luck
> whatsoever and finally resigned myself that I would have to go back to
> linux since there didn't seem to be any indications that there would be
> any support for USB palms.  I would be really happy if you could send me
> any info regarding your patch -- I would love to be able to use jpilot
> under FreeBSD.
> --
> Phil

I'm not sure if the Sony works, you'll just have to try it out.  I've been 
having issues getting the latest CVS version of pilot-link (about 3 weeks 
ago) to configure and build, but I think that's my machine, since other 
haven't seemed to have the same problem.  I'll get some time to look at this 
stuff in about a week, I'm just really busy right now though.  If you do get 
the latest pilot-link to work, let me know what you did.
And to answer your question, Yes, the FreeBSD USB code has been merged 
starting with 0.11.3.  If you've got anymore questions stop by the irc 
channel #pilot-link on irc.pilot-link.org my handle is _Guhit.
Anish Mistry

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