> >>I think the problem could be the -d (debug) option to ntpdate.  Try
> >
> ># rm /etc/localtime
> ># ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago /etc/localtime
> ># ntpdate time.nist.gov
> >20 Sep 08:42:52 ntpdate[71492]: step time server offset
> >1784.223346 sec
>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

# rm /etc/localtime

# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago /etc/localtime

# date
Fri Sep 20 16:54:07 CDT 2002    (wall clock is + 30 minutes from this time)

# date 1723
Fri Sep 20 17:23:00 CDT 2002

# ntpdate -b tock.jrc.us
20 Sep 16:55:49 ntpdate[8172]: step time server offset 
1780.396309 sec

# date
Fri Sep 20 16:56:00 CDT 2002

Is the peecee's hardware messed up?


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