I'm surprised that xargs has no flag for interactive mode (-i) so that the
command line will be echoed to the terminal asking [y/n/!] where y means yes
proceed and n means no stop now and ! would mean answer y to all remaining

If the command passed to xargs *includes* something like "mv -i" will xargs
run interactively?

Sort of unrelated, but what if you wanted to pass something like `grep -i
something each_xarged_file | mail -s output $USER` as opposed to just `grep
-i something each_xarged_file`?  That is, how do you let xargs know where
to put the filename, if not at the end of the command line?  It isn't clear
from the manpage or examples I've browsed.  Thanks.

Peter Leftwich
President & Founder
Video2Video Services
Box 13692, La Jolla, CA, 92039 USA

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