rbash is the best option.
I was quite succecful with it

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerard Samuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Brossin Pierrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "FreeBSD Questions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: Chroot

> Your first half made total sense, and I was able to lock the root user
> in /home/developer when
> chroot was executed.
> Your second half however, is not clicking with me at the moment.  Here
> is what I did....
> 1.  Under /home/developer/bin create a new file (my_sh) with this ->
> #!/bin/sh
> /home/developer/bin/sh
> chroot /home/developer/
> 2.  Chmod the file 555, chown root:wheel
> 3.  Enter vipw, and change the user "developer" shell to
> /home/developer/bin/my_sh
> With these modifications, I can ssh into the account, but I can still
> "break root" by cd'ing out of the home directory.
> Any advise would be greatly appreciated...
> Thanks
> Brossin Pierrick wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >|| Im trying to figure out how to restrict users from leaving their home
> >|| directories.
> >|| I would enter the new directory /usr/home/developer and issue the
> >|| chroot command ->
> >|| hivemind# chroot /usr/home/developer
> >|| chroot: /bin/csh: No such file or directory
> >
> >It's because a chrooted directory is like the root dir of your system !
> >You have to create 'bin' 'etc' and stuff into /usr/home/developer.
> >You should also copy csh into /usr/home/developer/bin.
> >
> >Your chrooted system will be completely independent of your system.
> >This means if the user developer logs on, he won't be able to access the
> >real /etc for example.
> >
> >I hope I'm clear enough.
> >
> >www.google.com for more info .. just type in "freebsd chroot".
> >
> >|| What am I doing wrong??
> >|| Also when this is set, how do I make it persist throught reboots.
> >|| Make my own script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d ???
> >|| Thanks for any insight you may provide....
> >
> >Just create a shell script and run it instead of running tcsh or sh or
> >run 'vipw' and change it.
> >
> >Cya
> >
> >
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> >
> --
> Gerard Samuel
> http://www.trini0.org:81/
> http://dev.trini0.org:81/
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