On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 12:54:10AM -0500, Bryan Cassidy wrote:

> I have read a few threads on bsdforums.org about settings the colors
> for xterm when i use the "ls" command. I tried what people said to
> do but came up with nothing. They really didn't specify to clear how
> to do this. When I use the "ls -G" command I get color in xterm
> while in X. How do i set the colors so when I just use "ls" I get
> the color directories and the rest of colors? I just want the basic
> colors that I can get without having to do alot of configuring. I
> think it just makes it a little easier to view things in the
> terminal when you have a little color to go on. Maybe its me but it
> makes it easier on me so any help would be appreciated.

In your ~/.cshrc or ~/.shrc or ~/.bashrc (or the appropriate file for
which ever shell you use), set up an alias:

    alias ls       ls -G              (csh-alikes)


    alias ls="ls -G"                  (sh, bash)

You should then get a colourized ls for every shell you start after
doing that.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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