On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 06:22:34PM -0400, Peter Leftwich wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, Doug Poland wrote:
> > Liquid said:
> > > Hey everyone.  A family member asked me to setup a gateway in his
> > > house so that the internet can be shared between a couple of
> > > tenants.  I realize it can be very easily done using a router, but
> > > I have this 486dx2 50mhz at home with 8mb ram.  It has a 300mb and
> > > 640mb hd in it too.  If I only wish to run a simple router setup
> > > using ipfilter and ipnat, will it run FreeBSD? The only other
> > > services running being ssh and perhaps ftp and I couldn't care
> > > less about how fast it runs, as long as it "does its job"
> > > adequately.  One other thing, seeing as it'll be sharing PPPoE
> > > adsl, I'll have PPP running in dedicated mode at all times.
> > >
> > > The reason I'm asking is because it only has 30-pin simm ram
> > > slots, and I haven't even seen any for sale anywhere, nevermind
> > > whether or not its close to reasonable.  I realize that if it
> > > would have 16 MHz it would probably run just fine.
> > >
> > > That brings the list of stuff running to
> > > ppp -d
> > > ftpd (maybe, I might just use the old burn a cdrom and drive over
> > > method instead)0
> > > openssh
> > > ipnat
> > > ipfilter
> > >
> > > Any comments more than welcome.
> > I'm successfully running a network of 16 computers behind a 33MHz
> > 80486 with 16MB memory and a 250MB disk.  It has two NICs and runs
> > sshd, ipfw, and natd on a RoadRunner cable modem.  My only problem
> > is the disk is so small I can't do an installworld to keep up with
> > -STABLE.
> > This box doesn't even breath hard.
> > Regards,
> > Doug
> Was there a helpful document you used to set this scheme up?  I would be
> interested in whether you use a port or a switch, and how difficult it was
> to figure out ipfw.  Thanks.
> --
> Peter Leftwich


I started with two 10Mbit hubs but had terrible results when I started adding
100Mbit full-duplexing NICS on some servers.  I "splurged" and bought a 16-port 
10/100 switch (the best $150US I've ever spent) and never looked back.

I found the following quite useful (not in any particular order)...

        "Building Internet Firewalls" Zwicky, Cooper, & Chapman  (ISBN: 1-56592-871-7)
        man ipfw
        man natd

This configuration requires a custom kernel to enable ipfw but other than that,
there's very little else that has to be done to make a -RELEASE box perform in 
this role.  


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