
I'm thinking of making a logging setup in my network.
My plan is to send the logs of all the servers
to a central logging box (FreeBSD), which keeps a local copy
of them.
I know how to do this, but I want to add something to this.
I want that central logging box to send the logs to the serial port
to which I have hooked up another box (also FreeBSD) which reads and
stores the logs which are being sent to it through the serial port
but doesnt send any data back so there is no possibility to get access
to that box without being local to it.
Can I send the logs by sending them to /dev/sio0 with syslog?
And what about the catching, can I let that be done by a logging daemon
which sorts it the way I want to. (preferrably a local database but plain
files are nice enough too)



Daan Franke 


"Everybody is someone else's weirdo"

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